セキセイ 認定証ホルダー A4 ブルー NH-2235-10(20セット) 特徴: 表彰状や認定証の保存に。 商品仕様: ◆収容用紙サイズ:220×300mm(片面収容) ◆材質:表紙:紙クロス、中芯・見返し:再生紙、コーナー:PVC ◆本体サイズ:W230×D12×H315mm 230 W × D12×H315mm To save the certificate of recognition and certification. ◆ compatible paper size: 220 x 300 mm (for one-side up) On the cover: paper cross in the core looking back: recycled paper corner: PVC
セキセイ 認定証ホルダー A4 ブルー NH-2235-10(20セット)
230 W × D12×H315mm
To save the certificate of recognition and certification.
◆ compatible paper size: 220 x 300 mm (for one-side up)
On the cover: paper cross in the core looking back: recycled paper corner: PVC