お肌の元気を取り戻す栄養たっぷりなクリーム 高濃縮のバイオプラセンタがお肌に栄養を補給してターンオーバーを促します gsp大豆ペプチドが炎症を抑えてお肌を落ち着かせます 保湿成分ヒアルロン酸配合 天然マカダミアナッツオイルがお肌の修復を助けます 肌細胞に活力を与えてスキントーンを均一に整えます シワや小じわ、シミ・そばかすを目立たなくします ソフトでなめらか、ツヤと弾力のある若々しい状態へと導きます main ingredients: - high concentration of nb-1 peptide complex - gsp soybean peptide compound panthenol : soothing and repair the skin - macromolecular hyaluronic acid: moisture and water retention. - ecocertcertified natural macadamia oil: nourishing moisturizing and repair efficacy: - soothing the skin (calm dull aging) - deeply moisturize and protect the skin - energizing providing the synergistic effect of anti-aging and anti-wrinkle - with excellent nourishing effect and easy to be absorbed by the skin. wonderful soft and moisturizing skin texture suitable for: medium & dry skin usage: after the essence drop an appropriate amount of the product and spread it evenly on the face and neck massage gently until fully absorbed.