⚠️Please refrain from negotiating discounts. We may not be able to meet your request.
★Please judge by the image, such as condition and accessories, and everything in the image will be included.
★Because it is selected subjectively, such as product condition, if you wish to confirm the quality, we will add an image, so please request from your question.
★Because it touches people's hands once, it will be treated as a used product even if it is new and unused.
★ 一番くじ モンスターハンター10thアニバーサリー B賞 リュウノアギト
★ モンスターHUNTER10th アニバーサリー 1番くじ ラストワン賞
★ モンスターハンター4一番くじ C賞 旅団の看板娘フィギュア
★ モンスターハンター DXFハンターフィギュア~女剣士・アシラシリーズ~
★Please check your profile to prevent trouble.
⚠️Please refrain from negotiating discounts. We may not be able to meet your request.
★Please judge by the image, such as condition and accessories, and everything in the image will be included.
★Because it is selected subjectively, such as product condition, if you wish to confirm the quality, we will add an image, so please request from your question.
★Because it touches people's hands once, it will be treated as a used product even if it is new and unused.
★Cannot be sold separately